Monday, January 9, 2012


Well as some or all of you may know I decided to go back to work. We hired a close friend of the family to move in with us and become our nanny. Kiz moved out here December 8th and on the 9th I started job hunting.

The good news is that on the 22nd I was offered a job and then on the 28th a second job offer came through. I took the job that I felt I would love the most and I am now an infant teacher at a center in downtown Denver.

The bad news however is that I am working till 6pm. Kiz has agreed to do the weekday dinners for the house, so that means I will be cooking on the weekends.

I have a few meals that I have saved up to share with you guys, but alas the holidays were very busy.  I promise new meals and recipes will be back soon.

Hope you are all having a great new year!